
Founded: 2016 Founders: Werner Valeur, Kean Pedersen, Thomas Qvist, Michael Storgaard, Kasper Møller Borup Number of employees: 12 Total capital raised: DKK 12 million Fun fact: Has processed payslips for more than DKK 1 billion.

An easy choice

Free payroll system for small and medium-sized businesses, founded in 2016.

Salary is the simple choice when it comes to payroll. We have simplified and automated the entire payroll administration, so you avoid errors and manual typing, and are free to focus on streamlining and developing your business.

We have created a pay system that everyone can understand. Business owners, accountants and employees all benefit from Salary, all the way to the bank. This is possible because we have ten years of experience in accounting software, and work with a large number of skilled accountants who help to ensure a high level of professionalism and user-friendliness. And this is only possible because we have made an effort in creating as simple a starting point as possible, without compromising on functionality and quality.

Simplicity is our, our partners’ and our customers’ greatest strength. Salary is so simple that anyone can use it. So simple that it’s hard to make a mistake. So simple that most things can be automated. So simple that we can make the best integrations. So simple that you can change payroll system with a few clicks.

It is not hard to imagine how easy it will be to take over the market. Salary is the simple choice for business owners, accountants and employees in a complicated world of administration.

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16 spændende virksomheder

Werner Valeur har investeret i en lang række SaaS-virksomheder inden for regnskab, fintech, administration og livsstil. Gå på opdagelse blandt dem alle.

EXIT 2022
EXIT 2021
EXIT 2019
times in the media
book releases
total company value
incorporated companies
portfolio companies
Book releases

2,000 pages on entrepreneurship

Since 2011, Werner Valeur has published 10 books on entrepreneurship and how to build teams around successful startups. The new book 'From Packed Lunches To Millions' is Werner Valeur's groundbreaking success story. It has an untraditional format, where you get both an up close and personal view on Werner's life, and concrete advice on leading a startup to a successful exit.

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